Monday, November 2, 2009

Presently working on...

  1. A socio-economical system based on what I perceive to be fundamental needs
  2. A possible research project related to robotic labour
  3. Getting a really good bash client running in windows
  4. And I'll do something with my graphs this week.
I have (going on for school):
  1. A networked game of Mancala
  2. A databases assignment


Monday, October 26, 2009


This fell by the wayside.

I'll be re-evaluating it over the next bit. I feel like in the past month or two (or however many), I kind of retired. I felt like I'd done what I needed to and I lost direction - not just on Awesome, but in general.

I'm done wallowing; this has been ridiculous. It's time to be awesome again. Remember these nice little snippets, from "How to think":

1. Always seek context. It does not fail to help.

2. You do not have opinions on, know, or deserve anything. Everyone, everywhere, has a greater right to everything than you do. Serve them by seeking truth and showing your work.

3. There is nothing too serious to be made light of, or to question.

4. Economy of language, fountains of thought.

5. Find out what you want.

6. Leadership is simply the act of filling a void. If you find yourself creating voids to inhabit, you are not a good leader. Find people to inhabit voids. (props to Brydon Gillis for this one)

-- there's a different set as well, but they're more about "How to solve a problem".

Go, be awesome.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Still working

My graph work is coming along, slowly but steadily.

I've got Graph, Vertex, Edge, List, and Node types involved. Node is essentially done - completely coded but I might end up adding more to it (I hope not!). List is planned for the most part, just need to finalize on that, and then implementing it is almost entirely boilerplate kind of code. After List is implemented, I can write Vertex and Edge, which should each be pretty fast. They'll almost entirely be just the basic stuff (get/set, copy, create, destroy, equivalence, tostring) and maybe 1-2 specific operations. Then there'll be the graph itself, which also should be easy enough to do.

The hard part will come in designing and implementing the operations for the graph, I think. And also for extending the base types. I'm going to make queue/stack extensions to the list, a set of tree operations as a special-case on the graph, and also common things like minimum spanning tree, shortest path, a*, that kind of stuff. So for now it's just whenever I've got a spare hour or so and I have my Eee with me, I tap away at it.

I'm also drawing a lot, my skill has noticeably improved just since the beginning of the summer. I'm reading a design/typography book that's setting everything out in very clear, obvious terms, which is exactly what I need. Once I have these basic elements committed to memory, I'll do worlds better with higher concepts.

One last thing, I've also *started* a project called "world of blogging", which I may or may not work more on. The notion is: how to get involved in the blogosphere. I feel I'm the perfect candidate to write on the topic, as I'm hardly inolved in the actual blogging community at all. I will write what I do as I do it, to gain the best understanding, and become involved as I go. It's a twofold experience of getting myself involved and writing about something. Exciting. My first foray was into Music blogging because I _really_ wanted to be exposed to more new and cool music. My first google search, (for "music blog", I believe) turned up, a music-blog aggregator, which collects and streams music it finds on popular blogs. I figured it would be a good looking but ultimately shallow and useless tool in my endeavour, and I was wrong! It has been an invaluable resource and given me more than I could possibly need.

I had taken some screenshots and written about a thousand words when I went away for a short while and... windows update rebooted my computer. I had foolishly worked in Notepad and not saved a damn thing, so I didn't exactly rush back into working on the project. It has since languished -- but may see revival soon.

Join me in the forever and ever endeavour!

Just wanted to say "forever and ever endeavour". When I thought of that, I immediately googled it. I'm actually happy other people have thought of it too, more than sad I'm not the first to come up with it. That's all for now - good night!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I really want to be able to just play with things.

I guess I need to get deeper into virtualization?

I came here with every intention of saying "I need to design some kind of thing to allow me to swap hard drives on and off of things and I need like 5" or some bullcrap like that - what I really need is a decent tower with space for 4-5 disks, a DVD+/-RW, a floppy drive, and decent video, sound, and networking cards, then to RAID it up, throw a really stable linux with good driver support on it, and then virtualize stuff.

I _could_ buy 2-3 really cheap low-end boxes to mess around with and put really basic versions of linux on and hack the kernel and break things like apache and MySQL and C - but it's probably more useful and even easier for me to just get a really damn good tower and build a PC for about a thousand bucks.

.. there must be some easier solution to this.